Archive for the 'U.S. Exit Strategy' Category

What’s on America’s Middle Eastern Plate lately?

Sunday, April 8th, 2012

Between leading in the aid of Syrian opposition or trailing behind Israel in attacking Iran the US has to make a choice. If it is the former it must act now in full effort to arm the SFA, Russia must understand that it is much more than a question of protecting its own interest and leverage in the Middle East. No immediate action on the part of the US is a sure recipe for losing leverage and letting Israeli and Iranian hawks rule the region.

كيف تفكر أمريكا الآن؟

Sunday, July 17th, 2011

، تفكر أمريكا الآن بإرجاع الطالبان إلى العملية السياسية في أفغانستان لإنشغالها بالأمور الداخلية من إنتخابات وإقتصاد، لكن العراق بحاجة الى تعداد وإرجاع جميع مكوناته وضمان نزاهة العملية السياسية من أجل الإستقرار، لا مجال للمزيد من التجارب والأخطاء.

More American than the President

Sunday, January 16th, 2011

Preserving GWB policies in Iraq reflects the sense of reality of US allies, not necessarily the US’s.

التدويل بعد الملا عبد الله

Sunday, October 31st, 2010

أن خطورة التعداد المسيس لاتتوقف عند طائفة واحدة لكن أبعادها ونتائجها سوف تضر الجميع

What will a politicized census mean to Iraq

Sunday, July 25th, 2010

A politicised census run by the current Government of Iraq means that many Iraqis will not be counted either by fear or by politically motivated exclusion, this will create a security and humanitarian situation in the region and will absolve the government of Iraq of its responsibilities towards its uncounted citizens, and will infringe on their human rights as recognized by the UN charter.

Why UNCEI Now?

Sunday, January 24th, 2010

The March 2010 election may bring a situation where UN run Census and Election for Iraq is inevitable, here is why.


Sunday, October 11th, 2009

A scenario of a shared smaller Lebanon-sized Kurdistan is more viable, where all regional parties may benefit from its creation in the long run.

Who Holds the Joker?

Sunday, October 4th, 2009

Self-regulation of elections in Iraq and Afghanistan has failed; there is always a joker in their deck of cards.

America’s new risk in Iraq: entrenched ungrateful allies

Sunday, May 17th, 2009

The legacy of George W Bush’s policies in Iraq continue to cast its shadow on Iraqi politics, the Iraqi allies he chose to work with are still in strong positions but now they are increasingly critical of the U.S. Nouri Almaliki, the prime minister, is in a balancing act since he is resisting calls to […]

Tribes and Policy Between Iraq and Pakistan

Sunday, May 3rd, 2009

Advice to U.S. policy makers for Pakistan and Iraq is similar: Don’t crack this nut with a remote control sledge hammer, let the regions heal themselves.